Live Services:

Add a touch of elegance and beauty to your wedding ceremony with Boh Cooper's sensitive, spiritual and romantic piano playing. (Not a traditional organist, but can provide organ music with a keyboard if desired)
Generally, live services include providing music for the prelude (1/2 hour before the ceremony), music for seating of mothers, processional, recessional, and any other special music. such as accompaniment for soloists, or lighting of unity candle, etc.
Prices are negotiable to fit your budget and wedding size.
(Travel expenses apply for weddings outside the Nashville area.)
Extra $50 equipment/setup fee required when no piano or keyboard is provided on the ceremony site.

Custom Song and Recording Services:
I am proud to offer a unique service; creating customized pre-recorded tracks of your ceremony music on CD or Cassette, specially tailored for your wedding.
Pre-recorded music can be very useful and practical. It can also be meaningful, memorable and very special.
Put your imagination to music; virtually anything you want for your ceremony, reception or rehearsal dinner. For example, I can record your processional, recessional, or any special music that you want. Maybe you want a soloist to sing a particular song but can't find the music. No problem. I can record the song in the key that best suits the vocalist. Basically, I can help you create a very personal experience for your wedding. Boh Cooper Music tailor makes each recording to fit your personal musical needs. Whether you want traditional music or something fantastically crazy and original, you are limited only by your imagination.
See audio demo for more examples.
Base price for recorded track (piano only)- $50.00
(Tracks that require more instrumentation such as drums, bass, strings, etc.-$100)

Call today for a free consultation! 615-289-5397